Ever just have that feeling like you need to head out the door, and just get out of town? Yesterday, I had that feeling. I knew it was the right thing to do for myself.
I am sorry I didn't write. But I just really needed to kick the dust of town off of my feet and get out! I live in the mountain west, so a good deal of the time, getting out of town is a real trick depending on the weather. So when it is summer, that open road just calls to me sometimes. I had a good time. I needed to go home.
To visit my family.
When I was younger, I struggled with my family. I still do sometimes, but it is less than it used to be. I am sure that some of it is just the fact that I am getting older, and gaining some insight into life based on my own journey of mistakes and struggles. But I also have learned to accept my family as they are. I used to want them to be someone else. To fill whatever need I had that I wanted them to fill. But then I learned that I can't change who people really are, whether they are my family or not. To say that I learned this sounds easier than it was. This was years of learning. Years of pain.
But eventually it became less of a struggle and then it was just like magic. I accepted them for who they are and not who I wished they were, or wanted them to be. And it was like someone just breathed, and in the space of that breath, we all relaxed. It seemed to work both ways, and it seems like they accept me for who I am now too. Things are not perfect. Family can still sometimes be annoying. But there is a space of calm with us now.
My family is far from perfect. And I am far from perfect. But yesterday, I just really needed to go home. Get a new perspective. Enjoy those moments of summer with family.
My family will not always be here. Summer will not always be here.
What can you give yourself today? What do you need? Do you need to go home? Maybe you need to leave home. Or, maybe you need to have a good cry, or read a good book, or go for a long walk. Be kind to yourself today.
And now a message from our life coach cats:
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