Yesterday was extremely frustrating for me. I had unexpected company. Company that likes to complain and criticize, but yet, deep at heart has good intentions. Company that began calling early Sunday morning to announce that "we are on our way to your house now." What? You're Where? I don't always handle surprises very well. Especially if the surprises are full of judgment and criticism. And if the surprises want to 'help me rearrange my shed.'
I am not the most organized person. My house is very clean and decorated in a lovely shabby chic manner. But behind closed doors, like sheds and closets, my decorating style is just plain Sanford and Son. But only worse. My surprise company is sort of more like Ikea. Or those closet organizers. So, it goes without saying that this was not the surprise I was looking for. Not at all.
I wanted to sit on my couch in my jammie pants and sip my coffee and read a lovely book. My head is clogged with pollen and I am having an asthma fest. The last thing I want to do is rearrange my shed. Or even think about my shed. Or change the storm door glass to a screen. Okay, well if I am honest with myself I did need help doing that one. I struggle with 'how things work' sometimes. Well, most times. I am not coordinated.
Normally, I would just completely crumble after this kind of visit. I don't handle frustration very well. I usually just end up crying, and throwing things, and saying the f word- far to much for polite society. Then I feel guilty, or even feel shame about who I am. Shame leads to other problems for me, like binge eating. Or kicking myself in the butt over and over. Cutting myself down in my head until I don't want to exist anymore.
I have really been working hard to change all of that. I am happy to say that I am making progress. I didn't cry. I didn't throw things. I was grouchy and snippy. But I was able to make it without dropping the f bomb, or eating the contents of my unorganized pantry. Progress.
I like seeing progress. Progress makes me feel better about myself. I feel like I can handle life a little better. I feel less like a complete mess. Except of course for the shed. Most amazing of all, I do not feel ashamed!
I am also getting better about giving myself time to calm down from a visit like this one. I used to not allow myself any down time. I just would force myself to keep on going with some lame excuse like, 'no one else needs to have like 3 hours to sit and stare after company'. Well, who cares what everyone else needs? I sure need to have some time to stare at the walls after a frustrating day. And that is okay. After all, this is my life.
And, my shed is cleaner. I can't promise it will stay that way!
And now for a message from our Life Coach Cats:
I don't blame you one bit for being frustrated. I do not like last minute vistors and I really do not like people who want to tell me it's time to organize my shed and guess what? We're doing it now!